Lauren Haas shares her tips on healthy alternatives to fatty, processed foods.

By Lauren Haas
By Lauren Haas1. Buy wild, local and/or organic meats and fish.

2. Buy all,if not most, of your produce from the Farmers Market. Make sure it is CERTIFIED organic.

3. Use COCONUT OIL in place of BUTTER. You can use equal measurements. 1 cup butter = 1 cup coconut oil.

4. Use almond butter, tahini or unsweetened plain coconut yogurt in place of mayo or sour cream.

5. Make a quinoa instead or white rice.

6. Make my Cauliflower and Dill Mash instead of Mashed Potatoes.

7. Use unsweetened almond milk or coconut instead of regular milk. For savory dishes, use plain and for sweet dishes, use vanilla flavored.

8. When baking, use applesauce or better yet, canned pumpkin, in place of half the fat.

9. Try using almond or a gluten free flour for your desserts instead of wheat or white flour.

10. For a real treat, make my Salted Vegan Tart. It is Paleo, gluten, dairy and soy free and vegan. I promise it is good!

Lauren Haas is a Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach. You can read her blog and recipes at