Month: August 2011

Empower Your Children in Their Relationship with Food

By Sherly Shooshani Daneshgar, MS RD

Sherly ShooshaniAmerica is facing a real epidemic. The incidence of childhood obesity and Body Mass Index (BMI) has tripled over the past forty years. Childhood obesity is a primary concern of the nation and the healthcare community. It is estimated that over 30% of our nation’s youngsters are overweight and 15% are obese.

The dichotomy of this situation is that while obesity is on the rise throughout the country, in our subculture of Los Angeles, we are obsessed with thinness. How are we going to help our kids find a balance? (more…)

Building Your Child’s Self-esteem

Expert tips to help build you child’s positive self-perceptions.

By Samara Fabrick
SamaraSelf-esteem is a term we hear a lot in child rearing, but what is it and why is it important?

Self-esteem can be defined in many ways, but I define it as the collection of beliefs or feelings we have about ourselves or “self-perception.” In children I would add that self-esteem is the feelings of capability and confidence combined with feelings of being loved. Helping our children build their self-esteem is one of the most important responsibilities we have as parents.

So why is self-esteem important and how do we as parents help build our children’s positive self-perceptions? (more…)

Dealing with Head Lice

Tips from an expert on treatment and prevention of head lice.

By Amy Goldreyer
beverlyJust the thought of head lice can make your head itch. Unfortunately, we all know that head lice happens and if or when you do experience it first hand as a parent, you will want to have some basic head lice knowledge.

Head lice impacts millions of clean heads each year. Head lice should be discussed openly not only to reduce the stigma often associated with it, but also to reduce the spread, through knowledge and a quick response to outbreaks. (more…)