Month: May 2015

Swimsuit Season is Here

By Lauren Haas
Lauren HaasSpring is here and that means…SWIMSUIT SEASON! Yikes! Instead of dieting, here is what I tell my clients to do:

1. DO NOT DIET. DIETS DO NOT WORK. They leave you hungry, irritable and the moment you stop dieting, you will gain all the weight back…PLUS SOME MORE! YIKES! Instead, be consistent with a healthy meal plan and exercise routine. (more…)

The Many Benefits of Swimming

By Diana Goodwin
Diana GoodwinThe weather is warming up and soon we will all be able to spend the summer in the water with our families! Swimming is a relaxing and fun activity, a great exercise, and an important life skill. Make sure to stay safe around the water while you enjoy these many benefits of swimming! (more…)

Baby Care 101

The Ultimate Baby Manual to survive the first year of parenting.

Babies have tiny stomachs, filling and emptying quickly. Because of this, moms need to breastfeed their babies often (8-12 times a day).
Newborn – stomach is the size of a marble, holding about a teaspoon of milk
Day 5 – stomach expands to hold up to an ounce
2 Weeks – stomach expands to hold up to two ounces (more…)