Los Angeles Mom Magazine was created by local, Los Angeles mother and journalist Shirin Danielpour Yadegar who had a vision of creating a local online community.
The mission of the magazine is to empower moms to feel self-confident about the decisions they make for their families. Articles by various experts such as doctors and educators will focus on issues moms face daily.
Lamommagazine.com aims to help thousands of moms find the products and services they need to make motherhood easy and fun. Through the different directories, moms will have lists of everything they need from the right kid-friendly restaurant in their neighborhoods to the perfect party people for their children’s birthday parties.
Los Angeles moms no longer need to waste hours of their time searching the web every time they have a parenting or lifestyle question. Lamommagazine.com offers an easy search engine and weekly emails addressing all of their needs.
Lamommagazine.com connects moms of all ages to all of the newest, hippest resources to raise their families in the 21st century.