Month: September 2022

Healer’s Advice on Finding Peace

Sivaphone Sarinas is a mother and healer

Q:As a healer, how do you help others process their own feelings and find their peace?
A: As a healer it’s important for me to be aware and respect that every person I connect with is going through their own unique journey and everybody processes emotions differently. Empathy is also key in how I help others process their feelings and holding a safe space for my clients to feel their emotions. Guiding others to find their light and release any energy that does not serve their highest good is important for me as a healer. Uplifting clients to empower themselves and find gratitude in their journey/experiences is a beautiful purpose in life and as a healer. Finding peace is also part of the process. Helping others find their peace is about reconnecting with themselves, going within and honoring yourself. I also like to focus on the daily little things that makes us happy and brings us peace. I believe we can find peace in many things such as self-care, reading an inspiring book, listening to music/podcasts that uplifts your energy, going into nature to ground yourself, meditate, and being around people who supports and love you. (more…)

Coping with the Loss of a Father

Shirin Yadegar shares coping mechanisms for losing a loved one.

shirinWhen I lost my father on August 28, 2022, my entire being was instantly shattered. Initial pains of loss are so deep and hurtful, your mind becomes paralyzed. I was robotic the first week as we sat shiva, the 7 day Jewish mourning period. I made arrangements for my father’s burial and memorial services. I slept nightly with my mom to comfort her. I veiled my sadness to be strong for my mother, brother, husband and children.

The first morning I woke up in my own bed on day 8 of my dad’s passing is when I began to process the enormity of losing a father. It felt like I had been stabbed. My heart was split in two. One was filled with memories. The other died with my father. So I began to mourn and heal. (more…)