By Shirin Yadegar
Motherhood is a never-ending cycle of wiping noses, cleaning up messes, and trying to remember where you left your sanity. As a mother, you’re constantly tired, constantly busy, and constantly surrounded by a never-ending stream of chaos. It’s like being stuck in a game of “Whack-a-Mole,” where every time you think you’ve got one problem solved, another one pops up.
We all know mothers are the backbone of families, and their tireless efforts are the foundation of our communities. We work tirelessly to ensure our children are healthy, happy, and well-adjusted, providing a loving and supportive environment for them to thrive in. We serve as role models, teaching our children valuable life skills and imparting important values such as kindness, compassion, and empathy.
I applaud the mothers who have fought tirelessly for equal rights and opportunities, breaking down barriers and opening doors for future generations.
Despite the many challenges that come with motherhood, we continue to choose this path, driven by a deep desire to make a difference in the world because only women can be mothers. So this Mother’s Day be proud of the woman that you are and grateful for all the other mamas who have supported and guided you along the way.
Thank you all for supporting LA MOM MAGAZINE and inspiring me everyday. Happy Mother’s Day.
Shirin Yadegar is the CEO and creator of and mother of 4 girls.