By Lauren Rashap
According to research presented by Dr. Mercola, there are “strong associations between excessive sugar consumption and rising rates of obesity, and major diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s”. I always try to present in my newsletters that the easiest way to stay away from high sugar meals begins in the kitchen, cooking from scratch with whole foods, real foods. Adults, please be aware that heart disease is not only an adult disease, but high sugar diets are also a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease in children. For those of you who have kicked your sugar habit, or are signing up today for on my easy ‘3-Day Sugar Cure Cleanse’, now it’s time to pass the gavel to your sugar-consuming children.
Truth be told, there are many doctors who recommend less than 1 teaspoon of added sugars per day. My more realistic recommendation, while still maintaining good health practices, is that children consume no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day. According to Dr. Robert Lustig, a neuroendocrinologist who has done extensive research on the role of sugar in your body, your liver can safely metabolize only about 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day. Any excess gets metabolized into body fat.
Perhaps you are seeing sugars nasty after effects on your or your children’s brain cells. Initially, we see that sugar increases dopamine, the feel good neuro transmitter, but the more sugar you consume, the more resistant you become to this feel good effect, and the more you need to feel good. Furthermore, high sugar diets can cut nearly a decade off of your life span by resulting in heart disease, respiratory disease, and cancer.
So now that mom and dad have put on their sugar life mask, it’s time to put on your children’s. On average, kids are eating 19 teaspoons of added sugar a day! It may be time to overhaul your pantry and restock your fridge to include foods that will lower your glucose levels and raise your families overall immunity. My ‘Kitchen Sink Makeover’ tackles just that! Learn how to use different herbs and spices, instead of refined sugar to add flavor to your meal, and stock your pantry with natural sweeteners and certain healthy fats to feed healthy cells while starving sick/cancers cells. With the “Kitchen Sink Makeover”, also receive a complimentary “Green Kitchen Consultation” that covers everything from pots and pans, cleaning supplies to healthy drinking/home water.
Sugar lovers don’t despair! If every now and then you decide to indulge in a piece or two of dark chocolate or a scoop of real ice cream made with refined sugar, don’t beat yourself up! The stress that comes along with severe dieting or food restrictions can be much more harmful than having a little taste of the “white stuff” every now and then. Let me give you some guidelines on how you can fit sugar into your nutrient rich, “whole foods” diet, so when you do consume, it is just a “treat”.
Organic Seasonal Superfood Crumble
This recipe has super food nutrition not only from the fruit, but the medicinal spices which lower blood sugar, boost immunity and good digestion.
• 7-10 organic fuji apples (chopped and PEELED)
• 1/8 cup honey from farmer’s market (optional)
• ¼-1/2 cup of coconut water or blackberry juice
• juice of large lemon
• 1 tsp grated ginger
• 1 tbs of cinnamon
• 1 tsp of cardamon
• ½ tsp clove
Mix all wet ingredients together in large ceramic bowl and marinate in fridge. The longer the better and sweeter
Toping: (Optional)
• ¾ cup of whole oats (I use gluten free)
• ½ cup almond meal
• 2 tbs of organic extra virgin olive oil plus 1 tbs of coconut oil or 2 tbs of coconut oil
• 1 tsp of vanilla
• ½ of coconut crystals (optional)
• pink of sea salt
Preheat over to 350. Lightly grease baking dish with coconut oil.
Cover bottom of baking dish with fruit mixture. Then add crumble topping and bake for 25-30 min.
Lauren Rashap is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Visit for more information.