
Preventing and Defusing Sibling Rivalry

By Emma Jenner
education photo emmaAre you tired of your children fighting? Have you become the referee instead of the parent? Are you asking yourself, how do I get my children to stop fighting and putting each other down all the time?
I’m sure you’ve tried every punishment and threat known to mankind but it’s not making any difference. You encourage them to be nice, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. Here’s are a few tips to help keep your sanity:

Protect Yourself and Your Teens from UV Tanning

By Dannielle Crouch
Education Tan article photoI was in my teens when I got the fake tanning bug. I would purchase the unlimited monthly tanning packages that allowed for many tanning bed sessions to achieve that deep, dark tan. I began frequenting tanning salons in high school and continued well into my 20’s.

I was never informed of any health risks and certainly didn’t think I would be a victim of skin cancer. I have olive skin and dark hair and always tanned very easily in the sun. I didn’t fit into the high risk category. If you read about who is at risk it usually describes someone who has had many sunburns and very light complexion. That just wasn’t me.

Benefits of Stimulation to the Infant Brain

By Octavia Lindlahr

education_marchWe live in a culture where “stimulation” clearly receives a negative response. Many pediatricians and experts will often label a baby who cries often or for prolonged periods of time “over stimulated”. However, we often give the brain little credit in this regard, and it should be acknowledged that stimulation and multi sensory play offer undeniable value to the overall development to the infant brain. (more…)

Getting to Know Your Child’s Learning Style

By Nathalie Kunin

Education nathalie photoHave you ever been asked “How are you smart?” Probably not. Have you ever been asked “How smart are you?” Probably – or you’ve asked yourself this question? The same four words in a different order can make all the difference when attempting to quantify intelligence. We have many measures that tell us how smart we are in different subjects, but very few that tell us how we learn and process information. (more…)

How to Recognize if Your Child Has a Speech or Language Disorder

By Carly Friedberg, M.A. CCC-SLP

carly photoAs a speech therapist, people always ask me how to assess whether or not their children have speech and language disorders.

Speech Disorders:
Articulation is how speech sounds are made. When a child deletes a sound, substitutes changes, or adds a sound, they may have a speech disorder or a phonological disorder, depending on their age. These errors make it hard for a child to be understood by others.
