
Signs of an Unhealthy Home

By Oram Miller
Oram MillerDo you wonder about hidden toxicities in your home? As a mom, you probably do. You know mold and new paint can be hazardous. You have even begun to hear that cell phones, smart meters and Wi-Fi might be a problem.

In fact there are many types of potentially harmful EMF exposures that exist in your home right now, and you will be surprised to learn just how little Americans know about this subject compared to other moms around the world. (more…)

Test Taking Stress Busters

By Nathalie Kunin
Nathalie KuninUSE POSITIVE VISUALIZATION. Imagine yourself succeeding. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Visualize yourself taking a test or completing an assignment with feelings of confidence. Tell yourself: “I will do well” instead of “I hope I do well”. Smile and think to yourself: “I’ve got this.” You are relaxed and in control.

TAKE MINI-BREAKS. If you find yourself losing your focus or burning out, stop for a moment and stretch. Flex your arms and feet. Take a deep breath. Use this mini-break to help refocus your thoughts and get back to work. (more…)

Overcoming Learning Disorders

Does your child need a traditional tutor or an educational therapist?

By Nathalie Kunin
Nathalie KuninMany parents ask us whether their child would benefit from educational therapy instead of traditional tutoring. Each child is unique and has different needs that are addressed by different types of tutors. Educational therapists are highly trained individuals who work with students of all ages who are having difficulty learning in the traditional manner. Educational therapists have specialized training that enables them to identify and treat learning disorders and differences that interfere with the learning process. They are able to diagnose and treat students by utilizing different teaching modalities in order to improve, correct or overcome these disabilities. (more…)

Gain Confidence in Math

Tips on how to improve your child’s math scores.

By Angela John
Angela JohnSchool is starting and your child will be embarking on new learning adventures. Each year, as your child advances in math, the curriculum continues to build upon itself. Starting the school year with a solid math foundation is crucial to succeeding.

We believe that “mathing” year round with your kids is just as important as reading to them. Students should engage regularly in age appropriate math-related tasks to keep their computational skills and numerical fluency fresh and on point. Cooking (working with units of measure, ratio, and proportion), shopping (calculating percentages and making change) and playing math games are all acceptable activities. Get creative! (more…)

Preparing for the New School Year

By Nicole Sadighpour
NicoleSadiParents can help their children start the school year on the right track by planning ahead, being realistic, and most importantly, by maintaining a positive attitude.

  1. Review the materials sent by your child’s school as soon as it arrives. These packets include important information about your child’s teacher, room number, school supply requirements, sign ups for after-school sports and activities, school calendar dates, bus transportation, health and emergency forms, and volunteer opportunities.

  2. (more…)

When Do I Teach My Child To Swim

By Sharolyn Leithold
Sharolyn LeitholdWe all wonder “at what age should I teach my child to swim?” On the long list of things we must do for our kids “before they turn 5,” swimming is important. You may be surprised to find out that you can start water training your child as early as a few months old. They won’t be able to swim when they are so young because they don’t have the necessary motor skills, but there are many things we can do right now to prepare them for the swimming they will learn when they are a little older. (more…)

Having a Great Relationship with your Nanny

nanny doctorOther than you and your significant other, your nanny is one of the most important people in your child’s life. It may be hard for some parents to think of their nannies in this way for various reasons, many related to your own feelings about being separated from your child, however your nanny’s relationship with your child is an incredibly important one. One of the most important aspects of the nanny-family relationship is being on the same page so that your child is guaranteed to be living in the most nurturing and healthy environment possible. If you and your nanny have a harmonious relationship, your child will benefit ten-fold! (more…)

Dealing with Your Daughter’s Body Image

What to do when your tween or teen girl doesn’t like what she sees in the mirror.

By Rachel Bernstein
NathalieOur girls are up against some fearsome foes. Images of beauty are everywhere, and the brainwashing begins at a very young age. Media, fashion trends, culture, heritage, friends, family and even religious beliefs set and reset our and our daughters’ standards of beauty.

Psychological associations are tied to beauty. Nice characters are represented as “pretty” characters in most Disney movies and picture books. The Princess is most often kind, loved, beautiful, thin, usually fair skinned, has manageable hair, doesn’t have braces, and gets the Prince. The Wicked Witch/Wicked Step-Mother is ugly, feared and hated, has bumpy skin and a large nose, and deserves the punishment she gets. (more…)

Benefits of Reading Aloud

By Nathalie Kunin
NathalieReading aloud is one of the most enjoyable activities that a parent and child do together. It is also one of the most important. Snuggling up to read bedtime stories is an important bonding time at the end of the day which sets the stage for a good night of sleep. You can share in your child’s excitement as their imagination is sparked by the story transporting them to a different place and time. The benefits of reading aloud go well beyond the simple pleasure of time spent together. Even as your child begins to grow up, and there is less time in the day to read aloud, it is important to make time for it, even just 30 minutes a day. The educational benefits of reading aloud will pay off in many ways. (more…)