
Steps to Enrich Your Child’s Literacy Skills at Home

By Elizabeth Fraley, M.Ed.
Elizabeth FraleyHere are eight excellent strategies proven to motivate your early learner. These strategies can be implemented at home.

TIP 1: Evaluate which part of your home you would like designate as your “literacy center” and supply this area with developmentally appropriate materials and books your child can access independently at their leisure or with your adult guidance. (more…)

12th Annual Summer Camp and Teen Program Fair

By Jill Levin
JillCamp provides a positive opportunity for growth that should not be underestimated. For this reason, camp can be an integral part of a child’s educational and social development. For the first time, kids leave their homes and deal with peers who may have different values or behaviors. They learn to make choices for themselves and to negotiate and resolve conflict. They learn to deal with stress in a socially acceptable manner. They learn to assess and differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate behavior and in this way ultimately gain a stronger sense of self. And camp provides the backdrop for this personal growth in a safe and secure environment. (more…)

Getting Kids Organized in the New Year

By Nathalie Kunin
Nathalie KuninAs our children will be starting the second semester of the school year, it’s important to get them back in the mode and organized. If their backpacks are overflowing, their work spaces are piled high and their homework gets left behind most mornings, your child may need an organizational overhaul. The following tips are designed for parents to help get things back on track, no matter what your child’s age. (more…)

Finding True Happiness

By Shirin Yadegar
Shirin YadegarAs we approach the end of the year, we rewind our memories to the years triumphs, disappointments and growth. As mothers, we hope that our families have grown together organically to become better human beings, more thoughtful of our surroundings and grateful for all that we have.

Giving birth, watching our children take their first steps, celebrating milestones are beautiful when we push rewind stirring laughter and happy tears. (more…)

Expert Advice on Test Taking

By Valerie Lev
By Valerie LevWhy is it that two students who, let’s say, get 80% of their answers correct on a practice exam wind up with very different scores on the actual exam? One student gets a high score on the real ISEE, and the other student gets a mid-range score. The answer can often be blamed on test anxiety.

Test anxiety, to a degree, is normal and, actually, helpful in getting a student “into the zone.” Excessive anxiety, however, can be paralyzing. Sian Beilock, a professor of psychology at the University of Chicago, says, “When students are anxious about how they’ll do on an exam, their worries use up some of their working memory capacity, leaving less of the cognitive horsepower to apply to the task at hand.” (more…)

Coping with Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death

By Fran SolomonFran SolomonWhen a baby dies before it is born or soon after birth, parents face a difficult emotional task: they must try to say goodbye to someone they had little chance to know. They must accept that a life has ended, even though it barely began.

Common Feelings
Guilt is a common reaction to loss of a child and can be particularly acute for parents who lose an infant or an unborn baby. Parents of unborn babies who die often mistakenly blame themselves for the death. The mother may believe she harmed her baby. Both parents may tell themselves they should have sensed something was wrong. While this is a normal reaction, eventually one must find compassion for themselves and realize that this was not their fault. They were not responsible. (more…)

Why Are Some Kids Better Readers Than Others?

Three Things Parent Can do to Help

65312487: This series of numbers would be hard to remember.
12345678: This series of numbers is easy to remember.
valChildren who have exposure to a wide range of experiences and information are better readers than children who are not. When people have prior knowledge about a subject, they connect to the words on the page they are reading. If they don’t know anything about the subject, the words have very little meaning.

At Learning Encounters, we see a lot of children who are up on the latest news in sports, music, tech devices, and in general pop culture. Many children, however, have limited knowledge about the world outside their inner circle, and there’s a direct correlation between the exposure a child has to the world and a child’s reading comprehension skills. (more…)

Preparing Your Kids for the School Year

By Nicole Sadighpour
Nicole SadighpourParents can help their children start the school year on the right track by planning ahead, being realistic, and most importantly, by maintaining a positive attitude.

1. Review the materials sent by your child’s school as soon as it arrives. These packets include important information about your child’s teacher, room number, school supply requirements, sign ups for after-school sports and activities, school calendar dates, bus transportation, health and emergency forms, and volunteer opportunities. (more…)

The Importance of Early Childhood Education

By Nathalie Kunin
Elizabeth FraleyBy Elizabeth Fraley, M.Ed.
Director of KinderPrep Program

According to research, it is essential for young children, especially those between 4 and 5 years of age to receive quality instruction, as this stage of development is known as the “critical period” and makes the greatest impact on the brain’s cognitive functioning capabilities. By targeting early learning skills through programs like Academic Achievers’ KinderPrep, young learners can increase their confidence and develop a love of learning. (more…)

Preparing for ISEE

By Nathalie Kunin
Nathalie KuninThe ISEE (Independent School Entrance) can be just as daunting to parents as it is to students. All students applying to private and independent schools, 4th grade and above are required to take the ISEE as part of the admissions process. Many parents ask, what can I do to help prepare my child for this exam? Parents number one job is to promote their child’s confidence. Here are several tips that will alleviate anxiety, promote confidence, and ensure success. (more…)