
Parents Need to Understand Porn

By Gail Dines
Gail Dines

‘Hardcore’ porn is everywhere.

Surveys and our own experiences show that parents are deeply concerned about the easy access their kids now have to porn via mobile devices.

The statistics paint a dismal picture. A recent U.K. study found that 65 percent of 15- to 16-year-olds had viewed pornography, the vast majority of whom reported seeing it by age 14. This is especially problematic given the findings of another study that found a correlation between early exposure to pornography and an expressed desire to exert power over women. (more…)

Is it Wise for a Parent to Homeschool Their Own Child?

By Janis Adams
Lauren RashapThere are times when a traditional school is just not working for your child. It may be as simple as scheduling. Perhaps a child’s personal or professional interests may require a flexibility that schools are unable to accommodate. It may be that a child’s academics do not align with their grade level. The child may be highly gifted or in need of remediation, struggling with a curriculum that does not even closely match their academic level. It may also be emotional, for example, a child that is being bullied. There are many reasons that parents seek alternative options to a one-size-fits-all school.

When a traditional school fails to meet a child’s needs, many parents decide to homeschool. This option sounds fun and creative, anticipating days spent exploring, discussing, and bonding. However, despite these benefits, it can also be over-whelming and frustrating for both the child and the parent. Taking responsibility for a child’s education requires ample time and an unwavering commitment. It is a teaching job and not something to be treated lightly. (more…)

What is Your Child’s Learning Style?

By Alex Munchak
Alex MunchakEvery learner is different; therefore, it is crucial to understand your child’s unique learning style in order to help support their study/learning habits. A short online quiz can help assess your child’s learning style, and in turn, allow you to best support their educational journey at home.

This information can also better inform your choices for after-school activities such as camps, sports, and extracurricular classes. (more…)

CHOOSE WISELY: Why Should You Attend a Summer Camp & Teen Programs Fair?

JillLevinSummer may seem far away, but before you know it, it will be June. Do you have a plan for your children?

NOW is the time to choose a summer OVERNIGHT camp or teen program for your child or teen. How do you decide which one is right for you?

Tips on Trips and Camps summer program advisors are always available to talk by phone, but why not take it a step further and attend a Tips on Trips and Camps Fair? (more…)

Teaching Kids About Money

By Winnie Sun
Winnie SunWhat mom doesn’t want her child to grow up to be smart about money? It’s never too late for a kid to learn, but the sooner you start teaching–and modeling–wise financial behavior, the better.

Research shows that money habits often are set by age 7, so introduce your children to money as soon as they can count.

Here are some methods I use with my own youngsters:
*Introduce your child to the concept of using a shopping list and have him help you find items on your list. Tell her why you shop at discount stores. As she gets older, have her calculate the unit price to figure out what item is the best deal. Make a game of finding items on sale and show him how to compare prices on national brands with those of store brands. (more…)

Ensuring a Smooth Transition from High School to College

BY Crystal Lee
Crystal LeeThe transition to college comes with lots excitement… and, more often than not, also a hefty dose of anxiety. College is often the first time your child will live away from home and be entirely responsible for his or her life. Not only will he or she be handling more rigorous academics, but he or she will be navigating a new social scene, juggling more competing responsibilities than ever, and managing higher levels of stress. Without proper planning and support, your child may struggle or flounder.

For the smoothest transition possible, take a team approach to planning. Gather your child and all the important adults who have contributed to your child’s success in high school (e.g., parents, school personnel, psychologist) to discuss your child’s strengths and needs in all aspects of life. Remember, college is more than just academics. It takes academic aptitude, social skills, emotional resilience, and basic life skills to thrive in a college environment. (more…)

Coping with Mean Girls

BY Danielle Matthew, LMFT
Danielle Matthew, LMFT“Mean girls” is seen as a rite of passage for teens. However, bullying can cause damage to the self-esteem of each generation of girls who face it. Girls gossip, talking behind each other’s back. Supposed friends shun them and leave them out. With the advances in technology, bullying can also move into social media and texting. People can now shun you electronically – blocking you from their Instagram or Snap Chat – and then say mean things about you to a very public audience that you can’t access. Cyber-bullying is a whole new world of hurt for today’s victims. (more…)

Mom’s Guide to Taking Care of Herself

By Paola Gancman
Paola Gancman

“When we truly care for ourselves, it becomes possible to care far more profoundly about other people. The more alert and sensitive we are about our own needs, the more loving and generous we can be toward others.” Eda Le Shan

Being a mom is the most precious, rewarding and challenging job that we will ever have in the world. Our time and energy is completely invested in nurturing, protecting and encouraging our children to grow and shine. We all balance many different roles as moms, professionals, wives, partners, daughters, friends and much more. That is why the words of Eda Le Shan speak to me so clearly. If we can truly take care of ourselves, inside and out, we can be more alert and sensitive towards others. We can be the mom, wife, partner, friend and professional that we want to be. (more…)

Avoiding the Homework Battle

By Alexis White
Alexis WhiteWe’ve spent the summer enjoying long days and late bedtimes, but as we move into the school year, we have to face a dreaded routine change. Getting our kids down earlier and making sure they’re up and at ‘em, fed, dressed and ready to conquer the day is plenty. On top of that, we have to fit in afterschool activities and of course…ugh…homework. While there are myriad views on the effectiveness and necessity of homework (particularly for young students), a stress-free nightly routine can help our kids understand how they learn best, which is a tool that they will use for the rest of their lives.

In fifteen years of working privately with students, I’ve realized that every child (like every adult) works differently. Some kids come home, sit right down, and finish their work—before they’ve had a snack or even “vegged” out. Others have to eat dinner before they can even look at a worksheet. The best way to avoid the homework “fight” is to: (more…)