Haunting Halloween Recipes

By Catherine McCord
Pizza MummiesPizza Mummies (serves 2)

  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 8 mins
  • 2 english muffins, cut in half
  • 8 teaspoons pizza sauce
  • 2 mozzarella cheese sticks
  • 3 green olives with pimentos


Overcoming Learning Disorders

Does your child need a traditional tutor or an educational therapist?

By Nathalie Kunin
Nathalie KuninMany parents ask us whether their child would benefit from educational therapy instead of traditional tutoring. Each child is unique and has different needs that are addressed by different types of tutors. Educational therapists are highly trained individuals who work with students of all ages who are having difficulty learning in the traditional manner. Educational therapists have specialized training that enables them to identify and treat learning disorders and differences that interfere with the learning process. They are able to diagnose and treat students by utilizing different teaching modalities in order to improve, correct or overcome these disabilities. (more…)

Relieving Mommy Back Pain

Is it sciatica or pelvic girdle pain (PGP)?

By Jennifer Posen
JenniferMore than half of all pregnant women experience some, if not, a significant degree of pelvic and lower back discomfort during their term. And when lower back pain radiates into the buttocks and thighs, it’s often labeled as “sciatica”, a condition that is actually relatively uncommon.

True sciatica, which can be caused by a herniated or budging disc in the lower spine, affects only about 1% of all pregnant women. (more…)

Gain Confidence in Math

Tips on how to improve your child’s math scores.

By Angela John
Angela JohnSchool is starting and your child will be embarking on new learning adventures. Each year, as your child advances in math, the curriculum continues to build upon itself. Starting the school year with a solid math foundation is crucial to succeeding.

We believe that “mathing” year round with your kids is just as important as reading to them. Students should engage regularly in age appropriate math-related tasks to keep their computational skills and numerical fluency fresh and on point. Cooking (working with units of measure, ratio, and proportion), shopping (calculating percentages and making change) and playing math games are all acceptable activities. Get creative! (more…)

Staying Healthy During the School Year

Are your children prepared to return to school?

By Peter S. Waldstein, M.D., F.A.A.P and Julia A. White, M.D., F.A.A.P
JuliaBack to school time is upon us, which is a great opportunity to make sure your child is ready from a health perspective. There are new requirements this year for adolescents for vaccines. It is also a great time to refresh on illness prevention while being at school.

Staying Healthy
Maintaining proper health begins at home. Back to school time is a good excuse to refamiliarize your children on the importance of hand washing at home and school. Most illness is spread through contact, and hand washing has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to prevent your child from becoming ill while at school. (more…)

Easy Back to School Lunches

By Shirin Yadegar
Preparing any meal for 4 growing children and a foody husband is a challenge that I have mastered. My biggest obstacle was learning how to make healthy food taste good for all of their palates. Here are my two favorite, super easy dinner recipes that you can recycle for school lunch.

BBQ Chicken Dinner= BBQ Chicken Salad

  • Serving 6
  • Ingredients
  • 6 pieces of skinless chicken breast BONE IN
  • Your favorite BBQ sauce
  • Wash your chicken then marinate it with a bottle of your favorite bbq sauce. Leave it in a pyrex dish covered for 4 to 24 hours then cook on low in the crock pot for 4 to 6 hours.


Preparing for the New School Year

By Nicole Sadighpour
NicoleSadiParents can help their children start the school year on the right track by planning ahead, being realistic, and most importantly, by maintaining a positive attitude.

  1. Review the materials sent by your child’s school as soon as it arrives. These packets include important information about your child’s teacher, room number, school supply requirements, sign ups for after-school sports and activities, school calendar dates, bus transportation, health and emergency forms, and volunteer opportunities.

  2. (more…)