Easy Organic Summer Recipes

It’s hot out and that means two things: a bounty of gorgeous, ripe,
organic produce at the Farmers’ Market and temperatures so high you want
easy meals that will give you plenty of energy. These recipes are a
perfect to keep you going from breakfast through dinner!

straberryStrawberry Peach Smoothie (Serves 4)
1 1/2 Cup Strawberries
1 1/2 Cup Frozen Peaches
1 1/2 Cups Milk
1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1 Tbsp Honey

1. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and puree until s樂威壯
2. Serve. (more…)

Summer Science Fun for the Human Body

Nutrition and Cooking with your child

By Lisa Niver Rajna
Lisa Niver RajnaStudents love to learn about themselves and their bodies Inside your Outside, from the Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library by Trish Rabe, is a story that has an Inside-Your-Outside machine. At the end of the story after learning all about our bodies the reader discovers:

As you grow, you will know, that your bones will get longer,
Your lungs will get bigger, your muscles grow stronger.
Your brain and your heart will guide all you do.
Someone special is inside your outside—it’s YOU!


Toxins and Our Children’s Health

By Dr. Trevor Holly Cates
beverlyWe all want our children to be safe, but research and case studies show more and more substances that were created to protect our children are actually toxic. The question we have at the moment is not if chemicals are a problem for our children’s health, but how. Pediatric health problems caused by environmental toxins and air pollution cost the U.S. $76.6 billion annually, that’s 3.5% of our country’s total health care costs, according to the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. (more…)

Getting in Shape for Summer

Tips from a personal trainer and yoga instructor

By Laurie Searie
yogaThese days we’re all so busy that it’s easy to put your work-out low on the priority list – especially if you are a new mom. You’ve got a lot more to balance than just your own schedule. But it’s important now more than ever to set a good example and stay fit and healthy for yourself and your kids. Here are some great exercises you can do while taking the little ones to the park. It’s mommy-tasking at its best and it’ll take you from post partum to party girl in no time, all while bonding with baby.

You don’t need fancy gym equipment and blasting music to know you are burning calories and toning. Use the park time and your little one as your gym.

It might not actually replace equipment and dumbbells but it will be a lot more fun for you and your baby. (more…)

Benefits of Using Zinc for Sun Protection

How to read suncreen labels

By Rachelle Dupree
beverlyIf you spend any time in the sun, you might be familiar with an old sun protector called Zinc Oxide. Recognized widely in the 80’s on the noses of lifeguards and sun babies, zinc has come a long way since then.

Micro-fine Zinc Oxide used in today’s skincare and sun protection are far improved from the old, thick, white predecessor. While this is a fairly new trend, many natural skincare fans may have already known about the benefits of Zinc in their skin care.

Today’s zinc creams have been specially formulated to blend in almost invisibly and are barely noticeable. Because of this new micro-formulation, many natural skincare products have now introduced Zinc (also known as Zinc Oxide) into their product lines. (more…)

Sharpening Skills Over the Summer

By Nathalie Kunin
By Nathalie KuninAsk any student what he or she plans to do this summer, and they’re likely to reply with a resounding, “Nothing!” After two semesters of reading, writing and math it’s a natural response.

As parents, our job is to ensure that our child’s academic skills remain sharp over the summer and prevent hard work and progress from slipping away. With parental reinforcement, our children retain more of what they’ve already learned and begin the new school year mentally geared up and ready to build on their mastered skills.

Here are 7 easy ways to achieve a happy medium between staying sharp and enjoying summer relaxation: (more…)

How to Cope with Your Teenage Daughter

By Judith Bin-Nun
July Bin-NunHow many Moms recall the thrill of birthing a daughter? A little female child may consciously or unconsciously recall your own maternal relationship and a wish to replicate or remediate your early experiences. (more…)

Mother’s Day Breakfast Treats

By Catherine McCord
DevinIt’s finally the time of year where moms get a day of pampering, love and hopefully some good food made for them! These recipes are so easy and delicious that even if your husband and kids rarely set food in the kitchen, they can pull these off! You can simply print these recipes out and have your kids prepare your surprise breakfast with their dad. (more…)

Getting a Mommy Makover in Time for Summer

By Dr. Payman Danielpour and Dr. John Layke
beverlyIn order to get a jumpstart on the skin-revealing days of summer, many of us begin long range planning to watching those calories, working out on treadmills and lifting weights to tone our bodies. Yet for many others, it may mean even considering breast augmentation, a breast lift or liposuction (also known as liposculpture) which can help create a more youthful physique. (more…)

Tweens and Their Dads

By Andrea Gross
AndreaThe tween/father relationship is one of the most important in a female life. At this age in particular, young girls are setting the tone for their future. When a girl grows up with the love and support of her dad, she will undoubtedly emulate this relationship with the men in her future and have higher expectations and standards for all relationships.

Let’s be honest, kids repeat what they know. Coming from a loving environment creates a sense of confidence and self esteem for a tween and that is the basis of ALL of her future relationships. In addition, it will largely determine how she relates to guys later on. (more…)