The Parent Revolution in Education

Parent activism is the key to reforming our schools.

By Kevin P. Chavous
KevinChaveousSlowly, yet ever so surely, a new revolution is emerging in this country as a response to our declining educational outputs. This revolution is being driven by parents who are tired of trying to navigate local school bureaucracies just to get their children a quality education. These parents come from all walks of life and are challenging the education status quo to listen, embrace innovation and be open to change. This new parent voice couldn’t come at a better time. (more…)

Dealing with Divorce

How divorcing parents can help their children during this difficult time.

By Rachel Bernstein
Have you ever dreaded a moment so much that you delay it, find every excuse not to have it, and hoped you could hire someone else to do it? That is how the parents I talk to in my practice often portray the moment when they have had to tell their children they are getting divorced.

While it is always a life changing moment, there are ways to lessen the pain initially, and even afterwards.

Children prefer for things to be familiar, for their world to be predictable, and for life as they know it to remain basically unchanged. Divorce throws a wrench into all of those needs and wishes, at least at first. That is why there is often a reaction on the part of your children that is a cry for their family to stay the same, but is also a cry for the loss of the wonderful naivite’ of childhood when things are as they have always known them to be. (more…)

Easy Back to School Lunches

By Anni Daulter
Anni DaulterBack to school means early hectic mornings getting everyone out the door. Preparing their lunches is another obstacle so take time to prep anything you can the night before. I like to chop vegetables for a stir fry or whip up a pasta sauce for instance the night before, so I can just quickly make it in the morning. It is also important to make sure to have all of your containers ready to go and your child’s lunch basket, bag or box all set to make sure the morning routine goes smoothly. There are some great companies that make eco-friendly containers and reusable carriers that I love and recommend. (more…)

Tips on Getting Organized

By Debra Siegel
By Debra SiegelPeople often ask me how long it will take to complete an organizing project. And my first response is “How long did it take to collect the clutter?” But are the two closely connected? We are always consuming and bringing items into our spaces whether it’s groceries, clothes, toys, magazines or our kids schoolwork and art projects. What do we do with all of that stuff on a daily basis? Some is consumed or tossed but most of it is added to the piles we have cast aside with the intention of going through it “one day.” So for many, organizing is something you do when you get completely overwhelmed and can’t handle the clutter anymore. You don’t need to wait for that to happen. (more…)

Sports Drinks and Your Teeth

Q&A with Beverly Hills Orthodontists Dr. Monica Madan and Dr. Erin Cohen about sports drinks and their relationship with your teeth.

Sports drinks are a staple for any workout. During exercise, you sweat to help relieve the body from heat. Sports drinks rehydrate the body while replacing carbohydrates and electrolytes, like sodium and potassium. Although sports drinks are nothing new to the market, their effect on teeth has not been at the forefront of discussion – until now. (more…)

Tips on Making Family Vacations Educational

By Nathalie Kunin
Nathalie KuninFamily vacations are a time to un-wind, “disconnect” and have fun with your family. They are also wonderful opportunities for learning. Whether your summer plans take you an hour from home or to another continent, travel can be a springboard for learning new skills. Every destination has distinct traits to draw upon – a foreign language, local customs, landmarks or a unique natural setting. Here are some ideas to make your summer vacation a meaningful learning experience.

If you are traveling to a foreign country have your child keep track of foreign exchange rates. Mentally converting the cost of lunch from dollars to another currency is great multiplication and division practice. (more…)

July 4 Treats

By Catherine McCord

Red, White & Blue Pops

Anni DaulterKids running around in swimsuits eating popsicles. That is summer to me. And when those popsicles happen to be red, white and blue? Well, that can only mean it’s the Fourth of July! I vividly remember being a kid, playing with my friends at our local swimming pool and sucking on Bomb Pops (big, red, white and blue rocket-shaped popsicles that seemed all the rage in the 70′s) to cool down in the summer heat. I adored Bomb Pops, looking back, I can’t imagine how much food coloring and sugar I must have ingested over the years. And while those popsicle memories are great, but how can I share them with my own kids without also exposing them to all those unwanted additives and chemicals? There has to be a way to make your own version of those sinfully delicious iced treats — full of eye appealing color — but also healthy at the same time.


Children and Yoga

Yoga helps children focus, eat healthier and gain more energy.

Catherine McCordOwning a children’s yoga company I often hear, “I wish I had been taught yoga as a child.” Since you can feel the benefits of yoga, even after just a few classes, I understand why someone would make this comment. They are thinking how wonderful it would have been to experience those benefits all throughout life.

Here are eight benefits a child might experience from practicing yoga:


Keeping Your Brain Active Over the Summer

Tips on preparing for exams and applying to schools.

By Ellen Richards
Catherine McCord

Parents set the tone for their children’s academic success.

Many people mistakenly believe that education begins in high school when students realize the competition involved in gaining admission to college. Parents and students do themselves a huge favor to remember that the earlier one fosters an appreciation for education, the more likely they will achieve academically. (more…)

Getting Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night

By Sharon Vandermerwe
Sharon Vandermerwe

Q: When is a baby ready to be sleep trained?
A: Of course like everything in this life, it varies. My experience has led me to believe that babies are ready to be sleep trained when they are ten to twelve lbs (4.5 to 5.5 kg).

Q: Is the baby’s length of sleep dependent upon whether the baby drinks breast milk or formula before bedtime?
A: There doesn’t seem to be too much of a correlation between the two when it comes to sleep length.

Q: Should a baby be woken up, if they nap for more than a two hour stretch during the daytime?
A: If a baby sleeps for more than a two hour stretch, the baby should be woken up. When babies sleep for longer durations during the day, they have a much harder time differentiating between day and night. (more…)