Easy Popsicle Recipes

By Catherine McCord
Catherine McCordPeach & Strawberry Popsicles
• 2 ripe peaches, pitted
• 1 cup strawberries, stems removed
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 1/2 cup milk (any variety works)

1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender and puree.
2. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 3 hours.
3. Serve. (more…)

When Do I Teach My Child To Swim

By Sharolyn Leithold
Sharolyn LeitholdWe all wonder “at what age should I teach my child to swim?” On the long list of things we must do for our kids “before they turn 5,” swimming is important. You may be surprised to find out that you can start water training your child as early as a few months old. They won’t be able to swim when they are so young because they don’t have the necessary motor skills, but there are many things we can do right now to prepare them for the swimming they will learn when they are a little older. (more…)

Keep Your Skin Hydrated This Summer

By Talia Joseph
Talia JosephSummer is just around the corner so be prepared to face the sun with these simple skincare tips.

Load up on water. Increased heat can easily cause dehydration, leaving your skin feeling tight and uncomfortable. To determine how much water is enough, divide your weight by two, the result is the number of ounces of water you should drink daily. If you love drinking summertime cocktails and iced coffee you must drink an additional glass of water for each of these as alcohol and caffeine are dehydrating. (more…)

5 Tips to Get in Shape

Sharolyn LeitholdDon’t let bikini season sneak up on you! I can promise that you will face this summer loving yourself.
5 changes you can make to give yourself a lean and healthy body:

1). Avoid white foods. flour, refined carbs, starches and sugar. The word is avoid, not eliminate. We have to be realistic, but if you can avoid these foods 80% of the time it will make a huge difference in your health and the way your body looks. They are acidic, they compromise your immune system, they convert to sugar which causes your pancreas to release insulin and this causes your body to store fat. 威而鋼

Having a Great Relationship with your Nanny

nanny doctorOther than you and your significant other, your nanny is one of the most important people in your child’s life. It may be hard for some parents to think of their nannies in this way for various reasons, many related to your own feelings about being separated from your child, however your nanny’s relationship with your child is an incredibly important one. One of the most important aspects of the nanny-family relationship is being on the same page so that your child is guaranteed to be living in the most nurturing and healthy environment possible. If you and your nanny have a harmonious relationship, your child will benefit ten-fold! (more…)

Eating Calcium without Dairy

When you think of getting more CALCIUM into your daily food regime, do you default to increasing your dairy consumption?

By Kathryn Cavanaugh
Kathryn CavanaughWe have been programmed to believe that increasing your dairy products is just what the doctor ordered.
I am going to offer an upgrade. Think beyond the saturated fat-filled milk, cheese and yogurt and opt for something more nutrient dense without all the sludge.

Here is the skinny of Calcium!
Harder than lead but not naturally found in its elemental state, Calcium (Ca) is the fifth most abundant element by mass in the earth’s crust. It might however be surprising to note, it is as well the 5th most abundant element by mass in the human body … Besides LOVE of course! Calcium is essential for living organisms — (more…)

3 Reasons Kids Should Do Yoga

By Jennifer Greenhut
Jennifer GreenhutFirstly, yoga teaches kids fearlessness. Yoga will give children an advantage as they grow up in being courageous and strong. By practicing poses where we balance, go upside down in backbends and headstands, kids will learn to overcome their fears and push their boundaries which is a great lesson to bring with them as they grow and mature.

Secondly, yoga teaches kids how to focus. Breathing techniques, sitting still, and focusing on their breath in meditation, kids will learn to practice concentration. In addition, they will learn how to go ‘inside’ and listen to their bodies and know what is going on as opposed to just reacting to everything ‘outside’. This will give them a huge advantage when it comes to studying, taking tests, playing outside sports, or just being able to express themselves and how they feel. (more…)

Dealing with Your Daughter’s Body Image

What to do when your tween or teen girl doesn’t like what she sees in the mirror.

By Rachel Bernstein
NathalieOur girls are up against some fearsome foes. Images of beauty are everywhere, and the brainwashing begins at a very young age. Media, fashion trends, culture, heritage, friends, family and even religious beliefs set and reset our and our daughters’ standards of beauty.

Psychological associations are tied to beauty. Nice characters are represented as “pretty” characters in most Disney movies and picture books. The Princess is most often kind, loved, beautiful, thin, usually fair skinned, has manageable hair, doesn’t have braces, and gets the Prince. The Wicked Witch/Wicked Step-Mother is ugly, feared and hated, has bumpy skin and a large nose, and deserves the punishment she gets. (more…)

Dealing with Mommy Stress

Stress is a natural human energy that we all take on every moment of every day. The sippy cup full of bright red juice just spilled all over your daughter and your car, your husband lost his job, or your family won an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii. There are different degrees of stress and different types of stress, but stress is stress. How you deal with it makes all the difference for you, your body, and your family’s well-being. (more…)