
Children’s Hospitals

By Joseph Itaya
Children HospitalsIn a perfect world, two words you’d never find in the same sentence. But they are. Welcome to reality. A reality never more visceral than when you take an elevator to the dialysis ward at CHLA. Next to you, a mother of three. (more…)

Sahara Rose reveals how to achieve mind-body balance through diet and movement

By Shirin Yadegar
Shirin YadegarQ: As a holistic, Ayurvedic and Sports Nutritionist, how do you assess which foods create optimal health individually for each patient?
A: I look at the bigger picture of the individual—what their childhood eating patterns were like, periods of stress they’ve gone through in their lives, their ancestry, their blood type, hormonal panels, what their daily schedule is like, how often they’ve been on antibiotics, what they are currently eating, what foods they’re attracted to, their skin, even their dream patterns. I really try to get to know the deeper nuances of the person before making any suggestions because every little piece of the puzzle makes a huge impact on the ideal dietary and lifestyle suggestions for them. (more…)

The Woe’s of Potty Training

By Kathy Kuperman
Kathy KupermanJust the mere word potty training strikes fear into the hearts of mothers and fathers everywhere. Why isn’t there a manual that could solve all these issues? There really ought-to-be such a manual. Instead, you give yourself a pep talk, procure all the necessary paraphernalia, and brace yourself for the worst. Then you start to second-guess yourself, people have been doing this for thousands of years, why can’t you toilet train your child, is there something wrong with you? (more…)

Embracing the Fourth Trimester

By Mia Rue Robins
By Mia Rue Robins“What is the fourth trimester?” This delicate and sacred transitional time between when you give birth, and when you and your baby are stabilized in your new dynamic, is commonly acknowledged in many cultures.

In Mexico and other Latin cultures it is referred to as “la quarentena,” a period of approximately forty days when the mother and baby stay home, bond, and strengthen on all levels – physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. It is a time of renewal and fortification, when generally only family members and close friends have contact with the mother and baby, and the outside world is kept, outside. (more…)

Keeping a Balance in Youth Sports Participation

By Kate Carr
Kate CarrWe all want our kids to be the best athletes they can be and to play the sports they love for a lifetime. But there is a growing debate about the best way to make that happen. Is it better to focus on one sport, or is playing a variety of sports the best way to help kids reach their full potential?

Some parents, coaches and athletes believe specializing in just one sport year-round offers the best opportunity for a young athlete to reach his or her full potential. After all, they figure, the more you practice and play one sport, the better you get. (more…)

Preventing Homesickness

By Erica Feinman
Erica FeinmanCamp Directors all over are preparing to make this summer the best summer ever for your kids and kids like yours all over the country. Some of the things we do in the months and weeks leading up to camp are training staff to deal with all kinds of situations that may arise. In addition to training we like to help parents feel prepared for summer as well. Below are a few tips on how to deal with your campers heading off to summer without you and making this a successful summer for your campers and you!

Preventing Homesickness

Whether this is your child’s first summer at Camp, or they are a returning camper, many children struggle to be away from home. Allowing your child to navigate this challenge will help them develop independence, confidence in their abilities, and a deeper sense of self. Here are three tips to set your child up for success. (more…)

Get the Mother’s Day Glow

By Lauren Rashap
LaurenCouchHere are 7 steps to help restore the skin and get the glow:

Probiotic Push – IT Begins in the GUT. Our second brain. Probiotics are bacteria that line your digestive tract and support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. There are actually 10 times more probiotics in your gut then cells in your body! Your skin and digestive system by themselves host about 2,000 different types of bacteria. Probiotic benefits have been proven effective in supporting immune function and healthy digestion, as well as beautiful skin. (more…)

What Do You Worry About?

The number one cause of death to children in the U.S. is preventable injuries.

By Martha Wilcox
MarthaWilcoxI was an LA Mom, too. My son was born in Santa Monica hospital, raised in Culver City and went to preschool in Beverly Hills at a progressive program that tried to teach him to play nicely (which he did from time to time), and tried to teach me insights to help me overcome the worries that go with the job of raising a child.

And I was a worrier, though I would have defined myself as a “dedicated questioner and researcher.” Let’s just say I took the job of parenting to heart; I was probably only slightly nutty about it. (more…)

Contouring Your Body

By Dr. Parvaneh Rafaeloff
Parvaneh RafaeloffHave you ever dreamed of having a tight and skinny abdomen &
thighs without surgery?

We all have areas that we want removed or contoured, but don’t have the downtime. Moms are busy and need a treatment that is easy, non-invasive and affective.

TiteFX treatment removes unwanted, stubborn areas from your body, while contouring and removing unwanted cellulite. This treatment leaves a smoother, more contoured appearance. This non-invasive treatment is quick, easy and pain free. It works with radio-frequency waves and heat. Zap cellulite away and or add definition to your already toned areas! (more…)