
Must Have Supplements for Women in Their 40s

Elissa GoodmanBy Elissa Goodman
There are a handful of supplements that I recommend to almost all of my female clients over 40 – and I take all of them myself too! They are key for overall health and memory preservation. My list includes:

Pure Synergy Multi Vita Min Herb for Women
I think it is super important for most people to take a multivitamin and this is my favorite one for women. It is wonderful for brain health but contains nutrients that help with many other aspects of health such as hormone balance, increased energy, clear and focused mind, healthy hair, skin and nails, and more.


Preventing Child Trafficking

By Shamim Sarif

shamim-sarifAround the world – and close to home – as many as four million people each year are trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation. Sadly, about 50% of those are children. Now, Headwaters Relief Organization, an international non-profit disaster relief organization, is teaming with me to raise funds to educate communities about these risks, and support those who have experienced trafficking.

Headwaters Relief Organization Founder Rebecca Thomley, PsyD told me, “We have encountered trafficking nationally and internationally in our disaster work.” Her organization supports the needs of families and communities after tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, fires and man-made disasters. She added, “Traffickers may take advantage of children and families made vulnerable by these conditions.” (more…)

Cauliflower and Dill Puree

By Lauren Haas

Cauliflower and Dill pureeIngredients:
4-5 cups
1⁄4-1/3 cup
1 tablespoon 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
cauliflower, chopped into florets (about 1 1/2 lbs.) roasted garlic cloves (or you just sauté them) broth or unsweetened almond milk
truffle oil
fresh dill leaves
fresh chives, chopped salt and pepper, to taste (more…)

Healthy On-the-Go Meals and Snacks

By Andrea Donsky

Andrea DonskyAs a registered holistic nutritionist, I routinely hear parents’ battle cries for help feeding their kids healthy foods. It’s not easy to work full time, hustle kids to and from after-school activities, and prepare nutritious meals.

While we have abundant opportunities to eat real food, it often seems easier to choose junky processed food. Unfortunately, these unhealthy choices make it harder for our kids to focus in school, keep their energy up, and get a good night’s sleep.

Here are some simple meal and snack ideas to help parents tackle these dilemmas. I’ve also included a few smart supplement suggestions. (more…)

Coping with Back to School Bathroom Anxiety

williamBy William “Dr. Bill” Sears, M.D.

We’ve encountered and survived many back-to-school health issues in my over 50 years as a pediatrician, 52 years as a parent of eight children, and now 15 grandchildren. Now, I’m sharing some of my family’s best tips for three of the most common issues your children are likely to face this time of year.

• Bathroom anxiety and belly aches. Parents are sometimes surprised when their children won’t use a school bathroom, and they’re often just as perplexed about how to solve the problem. (more…)

The Celery Juice Craze

Is it the Cure-All that it’s Cracked up to Be?

lauren rashapBy Lauren Rashap C.N.

With over a million followers on Facebook and Instagram, Kim K and Pharrell won’t leave home without it; it’s official, celery juice has gone global.

As a clinical nutritionist and a bit of a research geek, there simply is zero science to support what Anthony William’s a.k.a The Medical Medium claims is the “cure-all” for everything from acne to autoimmune conditions.

Had I not witnessed several years ago, Mr. Williams channelling his healing “Spirit” into the DNA of desperate health seekers, (myself included), I most likely would not have traded in my AM raw apple cider shot for a bitter tasting 16 oz celery juice. (more…)

Calming Allergies without Harsh Chemicals

Bill SearsBy Bill Sears, MD, America’s Pediatrician

For some children, even the thought of spring makes their eyes burn, itch and water. Their noses and throats also get itchy and uncomfortable. If your child’s symptoms are mild and do not seem to interfere with his life very much, then you really do not need to give any prescription medication.

The immune system plays an important role in the body’s reaction to allergens. Here are some natural, alternative approaches to supporting the immune system and relieving itch-causing symptoms. (more…)

Natural Ways to Prepare for Spring Cold Season

searsBy Bill Sears, MD

There’s never a convenient time for your child to get sick. While missed school (and work!) days are going to happen, there are steps you can take to minimize them. As a pediatrician and a parent, I’m eager to share strategies to support their immune system so they’ll be less likely to get sick in the first place. I’m also including simple ways to address your child’s cough and cold symptoms that don’t involve medication.

The best prevention strategy is simple regular exercise, sufficient sleep and good nutrition. Help your family maintain a healthy diet, packed with vitamins and nutrients including immune-boosting foods such as fish, citrus fruits and leafy vegetables, to help prevent the onset of illness. And stock up on items such as tissues, vitamin C, throat lozenges, hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray. Keep them in one handy place to make illness prevention even easier. (more…)