
Calcium without Dairy

By Dr. Peter Waldstein and Dr. Julia White
JuliaSo you know that calcium is important, but what do you do if your child does not like dairy or milk? Or what if he/she is allergic? Older children usually stop drinking milk entirely, but luckily there are other options available. (more…)

Keep Your Skin Hydrated This Summer

By Talia Joseph
Talia JosephSummer is just around the corner so be prepared to face the sun with these simple skincare tips.

Load up on water. Increased heat can easily cause dehydration, leaving your skin feeling tight and uncomfortable. To determine how much water is enough, divide your weight by two, the result is the number of ounces of water you should drink daily. If you love drinking summertime cocktails and iced coffee you must drink an additional glass of water for each of these as alcohol and caffeine are dehydrating. (more…)

Eating Calcium without Dairy

When you think of getting more CALCIUM into your daily food regime, do you default to increasing your dairy consumption?

By Kathryn Cavanaugh
Kathryn CavanaughWe have been programmed to believe that increasing your dairy products is just what the doctor ordered.
I am going to offer an upgrade. Think beyond the saturated fat-filled milk, cheese and yogurt and opt for something more nutrient dense without all the sludge.

Here is the skinny of Calcium!
Harder than lead but not naturally found in its elemental state, Calcium (Ca) is the fifth most abundant element by mass in the earth’s crust. It might however be surprising to note, it is as well the 5th most abundant element by mass in the human body … Besides LOVE of course! Calcium is essential for living organisms — (more…)

Dealing with Mommy Stress

Stress is a natural human energy that we all take on every moment of every day. The sippy cup full of bright red juice just spilled all over your daughter and your car, your husband lost his job, or your family won an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii. There are different degrees of stress and different types of stress, but stress is stress. How you deal with it makes all the difference for you, your body, and your family’s well-being. (more…)

I Want Botox, but I’m Afraid

Q & A with Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Payman Danielpour and Dr. John Layke about the pros and cons of botox.

Q: When do I know I’m ready for botox?
A: You should do botox before the formation of frown lines, crows feet or forehead wrinkles.

Q: I don’t want people to know I have botox. How can you make it look natural?
A: At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, we believe helping our patients bring out their natural beauty by enhancing and refining not changing their appearance. We are known for putting less botox than most surgeons. You can always add more, but you can’t take it away. (more…)

Preventing the Flu

Tips on how to stay healthy during the flu season.

By Peter S. Waldstein, M.D. and Julia A. White, M.D.
This is the worst flu season we have seen in over a decade. For those of you who have not had the flu shot, it’s not too late. In addition to the flu shot, here are some tips to share with your family in preventing the flu from coming to your household.

Prevention of Influenza
Knowing how to protect yourself from illness this winter will be the most important way to keep your family healthy. People who have influenza are thought to be shedding the virus from around 1-2 days before symptoms appear to about 5-7 days after symptoms start. This can vary, however, especially in children. The H1N1 and seasonal influenza viruses spread through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. Someone then comes into contact with these and touches his/her mouth, eyes, or nose before washing the hands and becomes infected. The influenza viruses are thought to be able to live on environmental objects for several hours after being deposited. (more…)

Getting in Shape for the New Year

By Dr. Payman Danielpour and Dr. John Layke
The holidays and all the celebratory feasting are behind us, which means we need to get in shape and make 2013 a positive year. Lots of women work out daily and watch their weight, but after several pregnancies find themselves at a loss. They complain that their breasts are small and saggy. They complain that no matter how many crunches they do, their tummies are loose. So when do you know if your a candidate for surgery or if you really can work out those inches. (more…)

Nutrients for Healthy Skin

By Rebecca Casper
As a medical skin specialist and health fanatic, I am often asked about the correlation between food and skin.
Can you really blame that piece of pizza you ate last night for your new blemish? Do skin/hair supplements really work? Traditionally, most would say no. I say yes!

There is a growing amount of research suggesting a link between bad eating habits and acne breakouts. While the idea is still not a standard view between dermatologists and skin care specialist, it does make sense when you think about the function of the skin. When you eat, your body takes what it needs and “disposes” of the rest. 1/4 of that elimination is done through your skin. (more…)

Tween Skin Care Tips

Tips on teaching your girls how to care for their skin.

By Anna Yuhan
A day in the life of a tween can be stressful. Keeping up with schoolwork, extracurricular activities and friends are hard enough without having to worry about your skin. Many busy girls come home from school, do their homework, eat dinner and go to sleep without washing their faces before bed. As a result, they can suffer from breakouts and may not know the cause.

Research has proven that one of the secrets to helping young women have confidence starts with them being comfortable with how they look and feel. Without a lot on the market to choose from, young girls end up either using their mother’s skincare or nothing at all. As the mother of two tween girls myself, I know how important it is to maintain good skincare habits. I want them to be confident about who they are, and good skin can really affect self-esteem. All young women should have access to affordable products and accurate information about taking care of themselves from an early age. (more…)