Overnight Camps Prepare Kids for Life

How to find the right camp for your kid.

Jill LevinBy Jill Levin

A recent Forbes article (“The Best Bootcamp for Soft Skills May be the Best Camp,” by Ryan Craig, July 26, 2019 issue) discussed how overnight camps do a great job teaching kids the soft skills they need to flourish as adults. Sleep-away camp, as well as away-from-home programs for teens, are multi-layered experiences that prepares children and teens for college and beyond.

Teamwork, conflict resolution, problem-solving, leadership and communication skills, resilience, decision-making, empathy, and friendship-building are just some of the ways students can grow when they attend camp or a summer teen program. Each day provides so many opportunities for growth – setting a goal, learning a new skill, trying a new activity, navigating friendships, being a team captain, earning a reward for a job well done, comforting a bunkmate, completing a chore, and more. (more…)

Heart Healthy Eating in 2020

Jonny BowdenBy Dr. Jonny Bowden

Experts aren’t sure why people are more likely to have a heart attack during the winter than any other time of year. If following a heart-healthy diet is one of your 2020 resolutions, here’s big news. A new 12-month human clinical study involving 577 participants conducted in Malaysia reveals we aren’t doing our hearts any favors by eating a high-carb diet. And while that high-carb diet was associated with increased heart disease risk factors, fat intake didn’t move the needle one way or the other. 

I’ve been saying for years that fat has been wrongly demonized. If anything, it’s sugar – not fat – that’s causing us to go off the metabolic rails. In this study, low-carb diets performed considerably better than high-carb diets.


Must Have Supplements for Women in Their 40s

Elissa GoodmanBy Elissa Goodman
There are a handful of supplements that I recommend to almost all of my female clients over 40 – and I take all of them myself too! They are key for overall health and memory preservation. My list includes:

Pure Synergy Multi Vita Min Herb for Women
I think it is super important for most people to take a multivitamin and this is my favorite one for women. It is wonderful for brain health but contains nutrients that help with many other aspects of health such as hormone balance, increased energy, clear and focused mind, healthy hair, skin and nails, and more.


The Second Wind

By Carolyn Mahboubi

mahboubiI come from a family of high achievers. My work as a Life and Leadership Coach has me in constant conversation with leaders who would proudly carry this label. But in pushing the borders of exploring what it means to live a happy life, it has become clear to me that being a high achiever is no longer a badge of honor or a marker of life satisfaction.

Achievement by its nature is about doing. As a Coach, I am committed to helping my clients create sustainable action plans to reach their desired goals. I also help them stay on the path that has them knowing they are moving in the right direction, no matter how long it takes. Naturally “doing” is a big part of this work. (more…)

Preventing Child Trafficking

By Shamim Sarif

shamim-sarifAround the world – and close to home – as many as four million people each year are trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation. Sadly, about 50% of those are children. Now, Headwaters Relief Organization, an international non-profit disaster relief organization, is teaming with me to raise funds to educate communities about these risks, and support those who have experienced trafficking.

Headwaters Relief Organization Founder Rebecca Thomley, PsyD told me, “We have encountered trafficking nationally and internationally in our disaster work.” Her organization supports the needs of families and communities after tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, fires and man-made disasters. She added, “Traffickers may take advantage of children and families made vulnerable by these conditions.” (more…)

Helping Children After Wildfires

By The National Association of School Pyschologists

Natural disasters can be traumatic for children and youth. Experiencing a dangerous wildfire can be frightening even for adults, and the devastation to the familiar environment (i.e., home and community) can be long-lasting and distressing. Often an entire community is impacted, further undermining a child’s sense of security and normalcy. Wildfires present a variety of unique issues and coping challenges, including the need to relocate when home and/or community have been destroyed, the role of the family in lessening or exacerbating the trauma, emotional reactions, and coping techniques.

Children look to the significant adults in their lives for guidance on how to manage their reactions after the immediate threat is over. Parents, teachers, and other caregivers can help children and youth cope in the aftermath of a wildfire by remaining calm and reassuring children that they will be all right. Immediate response efforts should emphasize teaching effective coping strategies, fostering supportive relationships, and helping children understand their reactions. (more…)

Cauliflower and Dill Puree

By Lauren Haas

Cauliflower and Dill pureeIngredients:
4-5 cups
1⁄4-1/3 cup
1 tablespoon 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
cauliflower, chopped into florets (about 1 1/2 lbs.) roasted garlic cloves (or you just sauté them) broth or unsweetened almond milk
truffle oil
fresh dill leaves
fresh chives, chopped salt and pepper, to taste (more…)

When Talking to Kids Doesn’t Work

Erica CurtisBy Erica Curtis and Ping Ho
Talking is important but not always the best approach with kids. As adults, we tend to over-talk to them. Our words can be ineffective if not irritating. A well-meaning “can we talk?” can trigger defensiveness and anxiety (“uh oh, I’m in trouble”). Moreover, talking can be overwhelming, embarrassing or difficult, when kids don’t have words to communicate their experience. Words may not even be accessible because stress can interfere with the speech center of the brain. Stress can also inhibit brain functions that enable problem-solving, decision making, and focus.

Fortunately, even during times of high stress, we can open lines of communication non-verbally through art. (more…)

Healthy On-the-Go Meals and Snacks

By Andrea Donsky

Andrea DonskyAs a registered holistic nutritionist, I routinely hear parents’ battle cries for help feeding their kids healthy foods. It’s not easy to work full time, hustle kids to and from after-school activities, and prepare nutritious meals.

While we have abundant opportunities to eat real food, it often seems easier to choose junky processed food. Unfortunately, these unhealthy choices make it harder for our kids to focus in school, keep their energy up, and get a good night’s sleep.

Here are some simple meal and snack ideas to help parents tackle these dilemmas. I’ve also included a few smart supplement suggestions. (more…)