Valentine’s Day Expectations

By Samara Fabrick
Samara FabrickFor many of us, Valentine’s Day is a chance to sit down with our kids to make cards for their classmates, think of fun ways to surprise our partner or have an excuse to eat that box of chocolates. However, for many Valentine’s Day is another opportunity to have a million expectations that are so often dashed by our clueless spouses and our inability to express our wants. Here are a few suggestions to make sure that your Valentine’s Day is a happy one filled with whatever your heart desires. (more…)

Traditional Camp vs. Specialty Focused Camp: Which is best for my child?

By Chris Carra
Chris CarraCamps can be one of the greatest experiences for a child. Fun, stimulating and inspirational. They are usually the highlight of the summer for most youngsters and leave them with a lifetime of cherished memories.

But these days, sending them off to any old camp can actually hinder their creativity. Put it this way – would your music-loving daughter be happier learning to climb, or developing her skills on the piano? These questions are what every parent needs to ask when choosing the right camp for their child. (more…)

Make 2016 Your Best Year Ever

By Allya Orlov
Allya OrlovResolutions. So empowering to make them…but oh so disappointing when you fail. Let’s be honest, most, if not all of our resolutions don’t last. Instead of shooting for the stars, let’s be practical. Let’s commit to being just a tad better than last year. Here are 3 areas to focus on to make 2016 your best year ever:

Stress Less – Stress is the leading cause of all sickness. Yup, you heard that right. Finding ways to de-stress will make you happier, healthier and just a nicer person overall. (more…)

Single Incision Mommy Makeover

Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke work together to give moms a tummy tuck and breast augmentation in a single surgery.
Dr. Payman Danielpour and Dr. John LaykeDr. Payman Danielpour and Dr. John Layke are the founding partners of the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group. This plastic surgery dream team collaborates to reduce operation time and enhance patient satisfaction as well as safety – and their Mommy Makeover procedure is no exception.

Together, they’ve created SIMM, The Single Incision Mommy Makeover, a combined tummy tuck and breast augmentation performed through a single incision, allowing an improved figure for patients in reduced time. (more…)

Raising Entrepreneurial Kids: What They Don’t Learn In School

By Roxana Maddahi
Roxana MaddahiAs parents, we want our children to be better and more successful than we were. We dream of an easier, happier, and more financially fruitful life than we ever had, and in order to do so, we work hard to obtain the best possible education for our kids.

But even in the best schools, parents need to do their homework if they want to teach their kids to be business minded and entrepreneurial. Schools teach academics such as history, math and writing skills, but being good at these subjects is a piece of a larger puzzle if you want your kids to start their own businesses or achieve financial success in a business that they are passionate about. (more…)

Cooking Healthy for the Holidays

Lauren Haas shares her tips on healthy alternatives to fatty, processed foods.

By Lauren Haas
By Lauren Haas1. Buy wild, local and/or organic meats and fish.

2. Buy all,if not most, of your produce from the Farmers Market. Make sure it is CERTIFIED organic.

3. Use COCONUT OIL in place of BUTTER. You can use equal measurements. 1 cup butter = 1 cup coconut oil. (more…)

Easy Ways to Encourage Sibling Love

By Ashley Eneriz
Ashley EnerizSibling rivalry is a problem that plagues many households. If not dealt with, it can result in marriage issues and relationship issues between siblings later down the road. While no family will ever be perfect, there are several fun and easy things you can do to encourage sibling love between your children. (more…)

The Importance of Executive Functioning Skills with Early Learners

By Elizabeth Fraley
Elizabeth FraleyAccording to the National Institute for Early Education Research, there is a growing body of research that Executive Functioning (EF) skills are critical to implement in the home and classroom environments. Times have changed and increased academic demands on students have created the need to rely on strategies to help children plan, initiate, and organize academic and social responsibilities. Parents, teachers, and specialists can help support EF skills to optimize students’ full learning potential. (more…)