The Food Battle

By Carol Bovill
carol bovillNutrition is one of the many topics that parents often come to see me about. Questions range from, “How do I know if my child is getting enough nutrition and how can I help create a healthy eater?” to “Can you tell me how I get him or her to eat more fruits and vegetables?” Many pediatricians say to relax; chances are that although your child may be a fussy eater, he or she is still getting adequate overall nutrition for his or her needed growth and development. Parents are still capable of teaching children good eating habits in their formative years. (more…)

Why Are Some Kids Better Readers Than Others?

Three Things Parent Can do to Help

65312487: This series of numbers would be hard to remember.
12345678: This series of numbers is easy to remember.
valChildren who have exposure to a wide range of experiences and information are better readers than children who are not. When people have prior knowledge about a subject, they connect to the words on the page they are reading. If they don’t know anything about the subject, the words have very little meaning.

At Learning Encounters, we see a lot of children who are up on the latest news in sports, music, tech devices, and in general pop culture. Many children, however, have limited knowledge about the world outside their inner circle, and there’s a direct correlation between the exposure a child has to the world and a child’s reading comprehension skills. (more…)

Staying Healthy During the School Year

Are your children prepared to return to school?

By Peter S. Waldstein, M.D., F.A.A.P and Julia A. White, M.D., F.A.A.P
Julia WhiteBack to school time is upon us, which is a great opportunity to make sure your child is ready from a health perspective. It is also a great time to refresh on illness prevention while being at school.

Staying Healthy
Maintaining proper health begins at home. Back to school time is a good excuse to refamiliarize your children on the importance of hand washing at home and school. Most illness is spread through contact, and hand washing has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to prevent your child from becoming ill while at school. Washing before eating, after playtime, and anytime before touching the face, mouth, or eyes is key. If you are not able to wash, you may use hand sanitizer instead. You can consider packing a small travel-sized Purell bottle in your child’s bag to encourage proper hygeine. Also remind your child to cover coughs with the arm. Should your child become ill, he or she should stay home to prevent others from becoming ill. Check with your pediatrician if you are unsure if they should stay home. (more…)

Preparing Your Kids for the School Year

By Nicole Sadighpour
Nicole SadighpourParents can help their children start the school year on the right track by planning ahead, being realistic, and most importantly, by maintaining a positive attitude.

1. Review the materials sent by your child’s school as soon as it arrives. These packets include important information about your child’s teacher, room number, school supply requirements, sign ups for after-school sports and activities, school calendar dates, bus transportation, health and emergency forms, and volunteer opportunities. (more…)

Fun in the Kitchen with Kids

Teach your kids healthy cooking while they help in the kitchen.

By Joyce Oliveto
Joyce OlivetoI have found that kids like making food. Whether it is kids and their friends, my grandchildren, or when I teach classes for kids on how to prepare healthy foods. They love it. It is easy to have fun in the kitchen with kids. AND it is easy to make food taste good, be nutritious and be healthy at the same time.

Have them wash the veggies and give them a little education while you are preparing. Let them know why we wash veggies. Show them how to use a knife and safely chop veggies.

Here is a recipe created by my granddaughter Alivia. You will also find this recipe in my blog, Living Simply Raw. Have them mix the healthy cookie dough with their hands and shape into individual cookies before baking or dehydrating. All food can be healthy and snacks can be easy to make, delicious and very nutritious at the same time. (more…)

Am I Too Young for Botox?

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Payman Danielpour and Dr. John Layke discuss the advantages of botox.

Dr Payman Danielpour and Dr John LaykeQ: When do I know I’m ready for botox?
A: You should do botox before the formation of frown lines, crows feet or forehead wrinkles. It’s a preventative aging technique.

Q: I have never had anything done to my face. How can you assure me that I will look natural?
A: At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group, we believe helping our patients bring out their natural beauty by enhancing and refining not changing their appearance. We are known for putting less botox than most surgeons. You can always add more, but you can’t take it away. (more…)

The Importance of Early Childhood Education

By Nathalie Kunin
Elizabeth FraleyBy Elizabeth Fraley, M.Ed.
Director of KinderPrep Program

According to research, it is essential for young children, especially those between 4 and 5 years of age to receive quality instruction, as this stage of development is known as the “critical period” and makes the greatest impact on the brain’s cognitive functioning capabilities. By targeting early learning skills through programs like Academic Achievers’ KinderPrep, young learners can increase their confidence and develop a love of learning. (more…)

Medical Guide to Summer Protection

The perfect mommy guide to protect your kids from sun and bee stings to motion sickness and swimmer ear.

By Dr. Peter Waldstein and Dr. Julia White
Peter <span style=犀利士
Waldstein”/>1. SUNSCREEN:
a) Broad Spectrum
b) Water Resistant
c) UVA & UVB Protection (more…)