By Sonali Bridges
Every year, students look forward to summer break – a chance to unwind, have fun, enjoy time with family, and maybe make new friends at summer camp. In high school; however, the plan for summer starts to feel like it might carry a bit more weight than just having a good time. But how do colleges really view those few months between school years and how can students endeavor to use that time fruitfully?
In talking to students and parents each year, we often hear the same myths continually passed around. Things like students must have a certain number of service hours, or have to try a sport, or even that students should do a summer program at the college they wish to get into. Avoid the rumor mill; instead, students should view the summer as an opportunity to try on something they may not have the time or ability to do during the school year. What colleges really want to see from a student’s summer is that they’ve been productive, but that productivity is not narrowly defined. The activity or activities should be meaningful to the student and align well with their interests or needs. If it seems too early in this brand new year to be thinking about the summer, you’ve been fairly warned – many summer programs that require applications begin taking them (and may even have deadlines) in January! Below, we’ve shared our top recommendations for using summer like a pro (and why) – many students may do more than one in a single summer: (more…)